Druminnis Presbyterian Church
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Taking Care

Taking Care

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland has over 240,000 members belonging to 545 congregations across 19 Presbyteries throughout Ireland, north and south.
The Presbyterian form of Christian faith is best described as 'Reformed' with its strong emphasis on the Sovereignty of God, the Kingship of Christ and the authority of the Bible.
Irish Presbyterianism had its origins in Scottish migrations to Ulster in the early seventeenth century.
The word 'Presbyterian' describes the form of the Church government which emphasises the individual and corporate responsibility of members. Ministers and members share in the organising and running of every aspect of the Church's work.

Taking Care is the name of the child protection policy and programme of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Our aim is to create and promote a safe environment for children, young people and leaders.  We believe that next to proclaiming God’s Word and the love of Christ, nothing could be more important than keeping our children and young people safe.
The Designated Person in our congregation is Sharon Edgar (07791564878)

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